Blogger June in her typical setting....
Days 4 and 5 of our tour of Tuscany - the hills are alive and our legs are half dead! We flatlanders have a lot of adjusting to do to ride routes with climbs that stretch 4 or 5k and take upwards of one-half hour to summit. But there is no room for wimps and we leave Cortona Saturday morning at 9 am to ride 61k to Pienza via Montepulciano, a city made famous by the incredible wines they produce. The weather continues very warm and sunny. We are pacing ourselves pretty well considering the amount of heat and hills.
The ascents are made greatly worthwhile by the epic downhills we enjoy - one in particular from the peak after Montepulciano lasted over 6k and was like a slalom ski race course! "Exhilarating" does not begin to do justice as a description of the ride.

The vineyards are stunning as we climb towards Montepulciano. These are the most beautiful farms we've seen since starting the tour.

Vines are laden with purple grapes and we see truckloads of both white and red grapes pass us on the road.

The town square of Montepulciano- It is very prosperous handsome of the most expensive wines in Italy come from here.

One of the many scenic overlooks that ring the town. Yes, we biked up from that valley in the far distance!

A few of our bike group snack before leaving on the next climb. From left, David, Sharon, Jill and your narrator.

Leaving Montepulciano we crest another long climb and see our destination - Pienza - in the far distance. Only 16k to go!

Getting closer to the destination goal!

June enjoys the last downhill before the 5k climb into Pienza - it took one-half hour and a lot of water breaks!

Peter proudly poses at near the summit - it is always a great moment to crest the climb and enter your host town.

Pienza is very picturesque - despite our tired legs we had a wonderful walk around town including the wall which rings the south side of town and has incredible views.
The next day (Sunday) was an optional ride to Radicofani, and Peter and I debated a lot about just how much of the 74k we wanted to do after such a long and tiring ride Saturday. We decided the best plan was to follow the route and simply backtrack back to Pienza if we felt we were not up to the long, long climb into Radicofani. Well, the day dawned cooler and we just kept going (surprise). We saw many wonderful sights along the way and enjoyed yet another screaming downhill from Radicofani - but this one was 19k and we were averaging over 40 KPH! The ascent back into Pienza actually felt easier (are we actually getting fitter?) and we had another great evening in the town square enjoying the life there. We also toured the Piccolomini Palace and enjoyed our glimpse of "how the other half lived".

Our ride had a stop at Bagno Vignoni, famous for thermal baths since Roman times. This body of water was part of the thermal spring right in the middle of town.

Our Experience Plus tours are always marked with chalk arrows so we know exactly where to go. It's the best navigation system of any bike tour company we know!

June and Experience Plus guide Stefania soak their feet in the healing thermal waters that course through town.

Peter's favorite vista - a boulevard of cypress trees typical of Tuscany.

We discover the origins of our beloved Pecarino cheese - sheep! When you walk the streets of Pienza you can actually smell the cheese everywhere.

June attacks the last big ascent in Radicofani - lunch awaits!

Better by far than lunch in Radicofani was the big bologna feed in the Pienza town center when we returned - great sandwich makings!

The view of the valley - and our climb up to Pienza - from the garden wall of the Piccolomini Palace.
Time to sleep - another big day of riding to Montalcino awaits us! Buena notte!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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